Raisin Type:
Sultana Raisins (Golden Raisin)

Golden Raisins
“Golden raisins” are generally dried in dehydrators with controlled temperature and humidity, which allows them to retain a lighter color and more moisture. They are often treated with sulfur dioxide after drying.
One Stop Sultana Raisins
one of the products MA One Stop Solution importing in Malaysia is Sultana Raisins. We packing and importing them in 10 kg cartoons box.

Health Benefits of Raisins
Rasins areĀ a great source of antioxidants, including polyphenols.
Antioxidants help protect cells from the harmful damage that can be caused by free radicals and oxidative stress, which contribute to inflammation and many diseases, including cancer
How Sultana Raisins Made?
Sultanas are made from green seedless grapes, particularly the Thompson Seedless variety.
Unlike raisins, sultanas are typically coated in an oil-based solution prior to drying to speed up the process. For this reason, they are often lighter in color than raisins and currants.
Sultanas are typically smaller than raisins and are sweeter, juicer and lighter in color than both raisins and currants.